Conceptions of the Misunderstood

No fuss and pretense. Just my thoughts hard and fast. Like the way I should be.

Monday, June 26, 2006

The Present Ordeal

Presently, I am in the middle of reading (or going through) a novel that I have to review and pass because it will be the requirement that will comprise my mid-term grade. The novel's Sky Over Dimas by Vincente Garcia Groyon. It's one of those classic Filipino literary pieces that are masterpieces--Palanca winners. The story's beauty and rightful recognition for me is on the surface but somehow I managed to refuse to fully acknowledge it. The same goes for other tangible things that (as I acknowledge) are beautiful but do not really want to delve in to or are way to far in the leeway of what is appealing to me.
I'm rushing. The paper is due on Friday afternoon and today's Monday and I have just read 164 out of a total 258 pages. Sounds easy and filled with the luxury of time but as I realized, I have things and so many other things in between that I have to get over with.
It's my mini display of rebellion. I sit here, writing my thoughts on when I have to get to a vacuum which deserves all the ideas I will be needing.
'Til then...


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