Conceptions of the Misunderstood

No fuss and pretense. Just my thoughts hard and fast. Like the way I should be.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

My Top Ten Things

It's either you have it or you don't. It's just the way it goes. There are people who have good things happening in life and there are most certainly more people who do not have good things happening. Everybody cannot have everything. Some people live the dream and some people dream, period. Right now, at this point in my life, I feel like the kind of person wh fall under the "dream, period" category. So that is exactly what i am about to do--dream the top ten things I would like to have.

10. Enough money to splurge on clothes for at least once a month. Yes, I do have money but its only enough to splurge on a very few things. Sometimes, I buy a shirt and off i go back home. The boring poor life I live. I know it can be better.

9. The resources to be techie enough. So I meant resources. That means money but I would hate to use it again and again (but I guess I did already so what the hell) and so you people may think I am materialistic. I want PDA's cellphones, the newest gadgets around, a laptop--all of them. But yeah, you can take away the S's and believe me, it'll sound a lot healthy and holy.

8. A condo unit at Rockwell Land. Enough said. I'll be living the good life.

7. I cannot live without music and so if I'll wish for it right now. If I'll be wishing, why not stretch it to thew fullest, right? I'd like to have all the Hed Kandi compilations ever made.

6. A party that I can go to at least once every two weeks during Friday of Saturday nights. Since the Kaskade event, I know there are so many things I have been missing on.

--That's it for now. I'll continue this shit when I think about it--


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