Conceptions of the Misunderstood

No fuss and pretense. Just my thoughts hard and fast. Like the way I should be.

Monday, June 19, 2006

An Update on the Latest

Here we go again, doing what we do best--updating the whole world about all the things we do from saving a nuclear warhead from going off to popping a zit. I'm thinking it's natural; people's lives aren't complete when we don't get to proclaim it to everybody. The urge is just inside... "They should know!" And what's funny is we know that it won't matter to them if we give them a blow by blow account of every single thing we do but we still write them on. After all, where's the fun in keeping experiences all to ourselves? We learn from our mistakes but do we have to wait 'til we commit them all? You learn not only from your mistakes but also from the mistakes of others.
That was an opener. Or rather a rant.
So the latest on me? Nothing much (I just proved my previous point.. hahaha!). Just going on, living life an hour at a time. I just had my very first absence this term. Well, it was a bit of a misunderstanding. I thought we had a free cut that day but it was otherwise. So there it went. But the prof doesn't check our attendance in that subject so what the hell. I got enough sleep, certainly not complaining about that!
Right now, I'm anticipating getting in to dancing again. It's been quite a long time since I last broke a groove. My friend talked me in to joining this dance competition in school. Actually the persuasion didn't take that long. It was like "Hey, do you wanna da..." and I cut he immediately "Sure, yeah!"
It's FIFA time once again. All roads lead to Germany this time. I'm rooting for Japan and England. Everybody likes to bet Brazil's gonna make it again. But betting for them entails completely no excitement. No edge at all.
So there we go. I'm done here. See y'all mediocrity infesting son of a...
xxx... The Deranged Pedestrian


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