Conceptions of the Misunderstood

No fuss and pretense. Just my thoughts hard and fast. Like the way I should be.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Shit I'm down with Nowadays

So... my Penguin (if you know me, know me, you'll know who she is--otherwise, what do you care about anyway) was complaining that I ain't updating my blog anymore. And we agree on that.

So here's the lowdown...

>>> I'm not gaining weight. I intended to gain a few pounds since I'm stick thin. I hate it. I'm like fat-proof!

>>> My penguin told me I was on the Inquier daw? Something with the Kaskade event a few weeks back.

>>> I ain't going to the States. I just simply don't have the time to wait for the papers to get processed.

>>> My iPod earphones got busted and i neraly cried because of it. I got it replaced with a lousy pair of white phones. They sound like shit--like he sounds coming from inside a tin can. Fuck it! Replacements are priced at 2,300 pesos each. Puneta...

>>> I'm bummed about my earphones

>>> Still bummed.

>>> I want a digital cam. A Sony DSC-T5

Over and out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...




dude. i'm perplexed with the typos (wihihihihi :-))

Puñeta nga. 2300?

chongkatot, meron na akong nakita na earphones. and mas cheaper pero di cheap. 2K.

12:11 PM  

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