Conceptions of the Misunderstood

No fuss and pretense. Just my thoughts hard and fast. Like the way I should be.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Spoiled Milk and a Little Toast for Breakfast.

Woke up like shit today. But things were sublime.

Got up at 7:40 thinking i've got just 20 minutes to get prepped up for school. But is was no big since i live in a condo tower next to the university. I'll breeze right through those 20 damn minutes. The good life they say. I think otherwise. When you're all alone, you get a little crazy. For me, I lost all my sense for gradual calibration and got crazy right away. It's the beauty of solitude.

Opened up the blinds and i did not see the usual feverish traffic that persisted during rush hours. And from my window, there wasn't a single soul walking the universtiy grounds. It didn't hit me right away. But slowly, it came to me. No classes? I wasn't sure if i were to feel bad or good. I changed. Back in high school, weekdays were a drag. Now, i seem to enjoy it. School's one big bowl of mixed alphabet soup and cow shit. Love it that way.

As the curious animal that I am, I swtiched on the set and tried to found out why classes were cancelled. STATE OF EMERGENCY. Those were the thigs i read. Wasn't surprised. This country's becoming a shit pit. But still, i love it here. I wouldn't wanna live elsewhere.

I got my letter of invitation this morning. Invitation from the USA. My dad brought it home with him from LA. I'm leaving this April. It was the sweet saline that broke through the pissed off feeling i had the whole morning. Suddenly things got better.

I learned how to appreciate little things like a morning with cancelled classes and a bowl of subtly sweet and sublimely milky oatmeal in my hands spooning it up my mouth in small servings while I've got my iPod playing chilled grooves and the sun hitting my face with that gentle warmth. I took the air in. T'was awesome. Morning can be great even without coffee. Don't believe in advertisments.

State of emergency my ass.


Blogger Pandee said...


what a boring blog here. :-)

just oozin' up a little. you brit!

God do exist. He had you ponderin' for a little while... and voila... you made a blog. :-) Hallelujah. Eureka!

2:32 PM  
Blogger Pandee said...

oi, make dalaw sa aking blog naman pre...

call it names, whatever. sock it to me... i don't care. just make dalaw.

i love the way you talk here, sonofabitch. :-) juz kiddin'. :-)

goodluck with the hosting interview. :-)

6:22 PM  
Blogger Joseinne said...

i'm gonna link you up, if that's alright with you.. :)

11:27 PM  

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